Saturday, February 16, 2008

Blonde Of The Week

What's Up Fam???

S.A.Q. 192


Guess who broke into JenThePen's Blog??? That's right It's The Cons Fool!!! aka Consequence. I decided to DEBO Jen's blog each week with an entry appropriately titled "Blonde Of The Week". For the next coming weeks we will examine some of the most famous blondes in the history of TV & Radio. Being a blonde for most women is a doubled-edge sword because although they're beautiful, some of them are arguably the DUMBEST creatures on Earth. So for our inaugural entry who better to showcase than the flag bearer for all Blondes whether natural or colored, "Chrissy Snow" better known as Ms. Suzanne Somers. She parlayed being a "Blonde" into a lucrative Business. Below is her Bio and one of her true "Dumb Blonde" moments. We're polling whether not she is an actual "Natural Blonde" in the Comment section so please participate. Next week we will reveal the results of our poll as well as the correct answer. I'll be back next week with our next "Blonde Of The Week".

It's The Cons Fool

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