Monday, June 30, 2008
Jen The Pen on True Stories Radio
Last Sunday I got the honor of being interviewed along with co-hosting True Stories Radio, shout out to Dutch and Heineken for making me feel so very welcomed! There's more footage where this came from,but in the meantime enjoy me talking about Whoo Kid, Gunit Radio and Porn Stars!
Happy Birthday Khloe!
Anyone who knows me knows that Khloe Kardashian is a friend in my head, so it's only right I wish her a huge Happy Belated Birthday! The sisters celebrated Kholes 24th birthday in Las Vegas, even Lauren London and Young Jeezy found time in their busy scheduales to party with the reality star.
I hope next year my invite dosen't get lost in the mail lol

I hope next year my invite dosen't get lost in the mail lol

Still Going Strong
I think I can vouch for everyone out there when I say I thought these two would have called it quits by now, but from the look of things Jennies keeping a tight leash on her man, this weekend she setted off to London for the Hard Rock Calling Festival in London's Hyde Park. Jen looked to be having a great time snapping tons of photos and singing along while her man John Mayer while he performed.

JayZ live at The Glastonbury
Friday, June 27, 2008
White Girl Tip of the Week

As women/men we all have the tendency to sometimes get caught up with our significant other forgetting that we have amazing friends and that every so often need a ladies or guys night (even if it's just sitting on the porch gossiping) So my tip of the week is this: Make time for your friends whether it's a dash to the mall or a night out on the town you will feel recharged and reconnected with your crew!
xoxo jen the pen
From one blogger to another
For the past two weeks I've been on the opposite side of the table and have been the one being interviewed rather then doing the interviewing. Last night I headed over to downtown Brooklyn for what was about to be one of my favorite interviews thus far!
The NYC Gossip Girl Miss.Vivian had been soooo very patient in trying to get her interview me, she dealt with all the cancellations and even me showing up a bit late. She made mention over in her blog that trying to get an interview with me and Duke Da God was harder then getting Michael Jackson lol
Long story short this chick was on point with her questions and I couldn't have had a better time answering everything she threw at me! I'm a keep it real kinda chick and if my mouth gets me in trouble then let it be what it's gonna be, you have to remember Dame Dash and Wendy Williams are my entertainment parents and they def DON'T have a filter on anything they say. The interview will be posted up on her site in the next couple of weeks but in the meantime make sure to go over and visit her blog NYC Gossip Girl and show my girl Vivian some love! She's working hard out here, I see you lady!!!

Cleavage to smile about
J.Lo found some time to sneak away from the new twins to enjoy some time in Spain with her hubby Marc Anthony, he woowed the crowd at the Palacio De Los Deporte. JLo couldn't look any happier or more proud to be the mother of his children. And having cleavage like that is reason enough for any woman to smile.

Stars they're just like us
Fun Fact
Did you know that a baby boy's height on his first birthday can be a predictor of his income later in life.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Who Rocked It????
White Girl Song of the Week
One of my favorite blondes Ms.Jessica Simpson has left her pop sound behind and went back to her roots, she will debut her first country album this coming July, the first song off the album Come On Over is making some waves, she appeared yesterday on The View to perform it. Let me know what you think, do we love or hate Jessica's new country sound!
After Party Pimpin
Yes the BET awards are over but not until you all get a glimpse of these after party pics, while you were home glued to the tv watchng that corny Ciroc after party the real stars of the night found their way over to a lavious party in hollywoods hills.
Dosen't Diddy look like he was drinking wayyyyyyyyyy toooooo much Ciroc???

Dosen't Diddy look like he was drinking wayyyyyyyyyy toooooo much Ciroc???

A Woman's Scorn...

Courtesy of
June 26, 2008. just caught wind of an EXPLOSIVE report. According to a number of sources, last night Swizz Beatz ex-wife Mashonda may have hooked up with Alicia Keys longtime boyfriend Kerry 'Kriucial' Brothers.
We've been bombarded this morning by reports that at last night's birthday party for rapper/DJ D-Nice at NY's club Pumm - Mashonda and Kerry "Krucial" Brothers hooked up.
Details of exactly what went down are still sketchy but one snitch told that the two were introduced to each other - and Kerry "made it known that it was nice to FINALLY meet her."
But another party insider told that they did more than just meet. The tipster explained, "They were talking with a bunch of friends, then they went off to the side by themselves .... Next thing you know, they were leaving together."
You'll recall that Mashonda's ex-husband Swizz Beatz and Kerry's ex Alicia Keys are rumored to have cheated with each other.
Could these two have had revenge sex???? If they did, 'Licia and Swizz can't even be mad now ... Cause they did this to themselves....
In one simple thought all I have to say is Pay Backs a bitch but revenge is a mothereffer!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Live from the red carpet
In a nutshell:
Alicia and Cassie were Pretty in Pink, while Musiq somehow ended up looking like Alvin (the chipmunk with clothes on) Lil Kim put on her best Victoria Gotti face and America's two favorite fat girls J.Hud and Jordin Sparks should have participated in purging a good 3 weeks before the awards show. Blame my mind not my heart! xoxo jen the pen

Alicia and Cassie were Pretty in Pink, while Musiq somehow ended up looking like Alvin (the chipmunk with clothes on) Lil Kim put on her best Victoria Gotti face and America's two favorite fat girls J.Hud and Jordin Sparks should have participated in purging a good 3 weeks before the awards show. Blame my mind not my heart! xoxo jen the pen

The Ladies Ruled the Night

I must give it up to Alicia Keys, not only does her body look amazing!!!!!!!!! But she bottom line had the second best performance of the night next to T-Pain & Dj Khaled's performance of "I'm so hood"
It was a huge surprise to see the ladies of SWV, EnVogue and TLC all perform together on the same stage and they all basically still got their shit together...other then the couple of pounds SWV put on and the few extra shots of Botox the ladies of EnVogue shot into their face before hitting the stage.
Usher Confesses

Usher did his thing last night on the BET awards now listen in as he dared to answer any question Cosmo magazine threw at him.
Cosmo: How is life at 29?
Usher: As a single man,you stay up all night and get called Daddy. As a father,you still stay up and get called Daddy..but for different reasons!
Cosmo: Are you better at understanding women?
Usher: No. I don't care how many books there are-they don't teach you how to operate on your feet!
Cosmo: What's the scariest thing about falling in love?
Usher: I'm good at making love,but I'm not good at being in love. It's a conscious decision every day to love the person you're with.
Cosmo: When are you friskiest?
Usher: I'm a morning and a night guy..but you do more dirt in the dark than during the daytime!
Cosmo; Be honest: Do you like your bod as much as women do?
Usher: I want to look the best I possibly can. Growing a gut didn't work for me-you know,where you look down and can't see your penis? Some women find it sexy. It gives them a sense that a dude ain't going nowhere.
Cosmo: When did you last cry?
Usher: When Will Smith's dog died in I am Legend. I don't know,something in the movie connected with me-the fact that the dog was his only link to normalcy.
Kim K Update
Pre-BET Awards, Kim and Reggie were spotted at the ultra sheek restaurant STK in Hollywood with another super sexy couple, John Legend and flawless model girlfriend Chrissy
And if that wasn't a powerful enough look, Kim and her fabulous sisters just made In Touch Weekly's Most Powerful Sisters in Hollywood!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Is Beyonce "Obsessed"???
This coming Feburary, Beyonce will star in a thriller/drama titled "Obsessed" directed by Steve Shill."Obsessed" tells the story of "a successful professional man with a beautiful wife who finds his idyllic life threatened by a temp in his office who reveals herself as a stalker." The movie is still in it's early stages but that hasn't kept the pesky pap's away, check out these flicks of Beyonce getting her acting on!

Start your morning off right!
Bump Watch
Saturday, June 21, 2008
WTF Moment!!!
Not that I'm promoting the use or distribution of crack cocaine....but I had to share my WTF moment with you all!!! Distribution companies are really putting their dollars into this crap?!!! I want my reality show and I want it now!!! This is just obsurd!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Spit or Go Home
It's been a little while since we've seen or even heard from Jae Millz...he was one of of my favorite freesylists at one time and I don't wanna shit on dude but was this the look for him to come back with????? I can't be too mad at him though he's atleast honest with himself and knows he's been sitting on a local shelf near you.....
White Girl Tip of the Week

This weeks tip is targeted for my ladies: For most of us women out here good sex is at the top of the priority list, and new study has shown that women who feel inhibited in the sack are more likely to experience sexual problems. i.e. difficulty climaxing and a lowered libido. So let your guard down, throw on some super sexy lingerie or nothing at all and let your man have his way with you, believe me you'll be thanking him later!!!!
xoxo Jen The Pen
Did you know....
So I've decided to add something to my blogging at the end of every week, fridays are the wind down of any week so instead of just gossiping about our favorite celebs I thought I would give you a fun fact to go into your weekend with, heck my fun fact may spark a friendly discussion at a bbq or party you attend!!
Blog Bashing- 12 percent of adult internet users have a blog, 4 percent of scorned exes have started to use their online diaries for airing the dirty laundry of a realtionship with scathing posts and videos. Be sex tape safe out there!!!!!
Blog Bashing- 12 percent of adult internet users have a blog, 4 percent of scorned exes have started to use their online diaries for airing the dirty laundry of a realtionship with scathing posts and videos. Be sex tape safe out there!!!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
When I Grow Up...
....I want to be like Rihanna, lol. I mean does this girl ever make a mistake???? Above are some pics of Rihanna out and about in NYC this week. With every change of hair style, tattoo, outfit, or shoe, she stays flawless. I really can't say much just that this bitch is BAD!!! I mean I really just had to take the time out to pay respect when respect is due. I mean ladies as you know looking great isn't easy and sometimes painful and we are all so quick to point out the flaws of these celebrity's and our day to day peers, so its a rare occassion to say someone is just constantly looking like perfection. And just to any haters out there I am not gay, I love me a man, but when someone is getting down for their crown, you better recognize!
Check Rihanna's new single "Disturbia below"
Photos courtesy of Ultimate-Rihanna.Com
5 In A Flash
1) Britney Home in Lousiana
Britney and the rest of the Spears family have gathered at their Kentwood, Louisiana mansion (called "Serenity") to prepare for Jamie Lynn's birth!
2) Brothels Take a Hit
According to the Director of the Nevada Brothel Owners' Association, revenue is down by 45 percent. The reason: Sex for money may be recession resistant but it's not recession proof.
3) Olsens Start Jewelry Line
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have created a fashion jewelry collection under the brand Elizabeth and James. In the mix are thick metal cuffs and earrings and necklaces accented with turquoise beading, crosses and daggers.
4) $5 Gas?!!!
Gas is likely to his $5 per gallon by the 4th of July, making Americans more inclined to engage in "stay-cations," vacations based near home.
5) Coffee Beans for Stress?
Just sniffing a cup of coffee may help ease stress. A study at Vanderbilt University found that when rats inhaled the aroma of roasted coffee beans, a number of genes were activated, including some that produce proteins with healthful antioxidant activity.
Britney and the rest of the Spears family have gathered at their Kentwood, Louisiana mansion (called "Serenity") to prepare for Jamie Lynn's birth!
2) Brothels Take a Hit
According to the Director of the Nevada Brothel Owners' Association, revenue is down by 45 percent. The reason: Sex for money may be recession resistant but it's not recession proof.
3) Olsens Start Jewelry Line
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have created a fashion jewelry collection under the brand Elizabeth and James. In the mix are thick metal cuffs and earrings and necklaces accented with turquoise beading, crosses and daggers.
4) $5 Gas?!!!
Gas is likely to his $5 per gallon by the 4th of July, making Americans more inclined to engage in "stay-cations," vacations based near home.
5) Coffee Beans for Stress?
Just sniffing a cup of coffee may help ease stress. A study at Vanderbilt University found that when rats inhaled the aroma of roasted coffee beans, a number of genes were activated, including some that produce proteins with healthful antioxidant activity.
White Girl Song Of The Week
Not Thinking Outside The Bun
Probably the stupidest thing I have heard for the day (well so far) , Taco Bell has approached 50 Cent about changing his name to 99 Cent to promote their "Why Pay more" value menu and they would have him promote their fatty and greasy food for a quick buck.
I am not sold on the idea, kinda cheeztastic, leave me your thoughts in the comments.
xoxo - JTP
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
All cried out
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