Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hot or Not???

Beyonce heated up TRL yesterday, debuting her new videos along with chatting it up about her two disc cd and spilling the beans that her little sis co-wrote two songs on the new album. But enough about that...Beyonce has stated that shes trying a more grown up look. While I'm loving the toned down hair and makeup I'm not completley sold on the tutu I'm leaving it up to you guys Hot or Not????


Anonymous said...

Beyonce is a beautiful lady but I'm not feeling the tutu look on her. Tutus are not for women with hips.

Anonymous said...

uhmm let me think....oh hell to the no she's been in her fraggle rock looking sister closet again or tina has made yet another ugly design.


Whats Not Hot is that she be stealing songs and paying niggas of. Almost as dirty as curtis was in dream girls SMH @ HER thieving ass. but she looks great as always

Bang Bang said...

I like it IDK ...its cute well maybe cause im 19 but watevs