I think Yung Berg is losing his mind as he takes his towel rubs his balls and then proceeds to throw it in the crowd at a show he did in Fayetville, NC at an army base. After this "performance" he was completely thrown off the show and escorted out of the arena.
the fuck?!?! hahahahahah
lol at dude getting kicked out. ef a young berg
yung berg is so corny nowadays he was completely blackballed in d.c. like two weeks ago he had a show and no one even showed up to the venue lmaoo too bad yung berg.. go dry your sweaty balls elsewhere!
young berg is some shit anyways
he is lucky he didn't get his ass beat! if that tank towel would have gotten within an inch my face i would have filed assault charges
Yung Berg for Prez LMAO HAHAHHAHA this dude throwin towels of ball sweat into the crowd, take that "dark butts"... Somebody really needs to get this kid an A&R and a good PR rep.
I have to steal your pictures. LMFAO
I really can't stand his ass.
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