Cassie: People used to give Ashanti a lot of shit, and I saw her do the national anthem and kill it. I was like, maybe that’s something that I need to do to show people—I was afraid of the microphone and the stage, but I’m not anymore. I would definitely do something like that
What’s the harshest thing that’s been said about you?
Cassie: “She’s f*cking for checks.” I don’t f*ck for checks—I’d rather live on the street

Cassie: Nope. It wasn’t planned. It was just a song I really loved that I heard. Nobody will ever know who “Official Girl” is about. They think it’s about certain people but it’s not. Anything that happens in my personal life is personal. I never actually put anything out there. Nobody’s really known who I’ve dated
So, are you somebody’s official girl?
Cassie: I might be. [Laughs.] I’m not in a relationship right now, but I’m 22. I’m dating people. I’m not one to be like, “I’m dating that guy and that guy.” I don’t want it to be about who I’m dating. I want people to take my career more seriously.
I'm 22. I’m dating people. I’m not one to be like, “I’m dating that guy and that guy.” I don’t want it to be about who I’m dating. I want people to take my career more seriously.
#1 she sounds like a hoe
#2 she cant sing
#3 shes a myspace jumpoff and nobody has taken her career seroulsy anyways
#4 how do u get 4 million hits on one song on myspace but cant even go gold
come on now casssie?
Uhm...No one ever said Cassie was fuckin for checks. We all think she's fuckin for tracks and the priviledges and free shit that come with being Puffy's latest popoff. No one ever said a damn thing about a check. LOL
I was thinking the exact same thing. Okay now that we know you ain't effin for checks....what about tracks? Hoe sit down! And shutup while you're at it
She has no talent!
She needs to put some holes in the condoms when her and Diddy gets down. Her career is going no where like the Iraq war.
come on cassie really sounds like a hoe in this interview seriously.
Jen ur not a hater... she should just be a model and understand if you fuck for tracks it will come out. what u do in the dark ALWAYS comes to light
She's full of shit, and she is boring... If you read the rest of that complex article u will soon find out she is a straight up liar too. actually save your time ,she's hella lame. shut up and model.
that Official Girl song sounds horrible... she should act or model...
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